Thursday, July 23, 2009

Open Forum!


So lately, we’ve been noticing the increase of traffic to our blog and we could not be happier!! If you are here for the first time, WELCOME and please make yourself at home! A big THANK YOU to everybody for the love and support you’ve shown our games, especially Word Warp!

Now we know you guys play Word Warp quite frequently, and you may or may not have come across something that you felt the game was lacking or could be improved upon. Well, we want to hear from you!
Do you have any funny stories about Word Warp? Did you play it so much you missed an appointment? Do you feel like you have the best Word Warp high score around and you wish there was a way to brag about it? Or what do you think we should include in our next version of Word Warp? Is it a certain word that Word Warp didn’t recognize when you were playing, thus ruining your high score?

We know you guys have all these ideas, so here is your exclusive chance to fire away, to share with us your stories, to let us in on your frustration, to express your gripes, moans, and groans. We’re thinking that after we accumulate enough suggestions, that we run a poll and have people vote on what they think is an idea worth considering!

Now, before you start thinking up some ideas or racking your memory for stories, you may be asking yourself how you’re going to be able to share with us these things. Well my fellow Word Warper, there are a number of ways you can get in contact with us. You can either post a comment on the blog, or you can write on our wall on the Word Warp Facebook Page, or tweet about it on our MobilityWare Twitter page (making sure you mention Word Warp or @MobilityWare in your message), or if you have a longer message to give us, shoot us an email at We monitor all three of these networks quite extensively so you won’t have to worry about your message falling through the cracks because we will be reading them (and we might even respond too!).

Last but not least, it’s July 23rd, meaning you only have 4 or so days left to enter in the WORD WARP FRENZY for your chance to win a paid version of Word Warp! If you haven’t entered yet, the whole process is extremely simple and takes just seconds. Here are some instructions on how to do it (and there’s pictures inside to help speed it up!)

Anyway, hope your day is going great and make sure to send us those stories/complaints/ideas/suggestions soon. We LOVE hearing from you guys! Talk to you soon!

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