James Ryan of Austin, TX notified us that he reached a score of 1,000,000 in Word Warp! Very impressive indeed, thank you for letting us know and congratulations on reaching that milestone, James!
James also asked what the all-time high score might be. We're curious too!
Click past the jump to read more!
Last year, we did a blog post on another score that exceeded 1,000,000. You can find it right here.
But has anyone exceeded that mark? Send us your scores to Marketing@MobilityWare.com – and proof – and we'll gladly feature it on our blog.
Here's James with his proof. Congratulations again!!
You might be wondering why MobilityWare doesn’t keep track of high scores in Word Warp. Two issues, primarily. The first is privacy issues. Second, we didn’t think users would want us to create a whole system for tracking them in Word Warp. In fact, that is one of the reasons why we worked on the sequel to Word Warp last year, Word Warp Xtreme. Word Warp Xtreme is now available in the App Store – and it’s free! While we’re always careful about privacy, there are now systems in place that MobilityWare could use that we think users would find entertaining. The one we’re using is called OpenFeint. It’s one you might be already familiar with because OpenFeint is used by a number of very popular apps, such as Fieldrunners, Squareball, Stick Wars, and Pocket God.
Word Warp Xtreme tracks high scores – assuming you allow it to do so. All you have to do is to log-on (well, ok, register first if you haven’t already done so) and it will keep track of everything for you. Do that and we'll all know what the record is in each category.
So there you have it. As you can see, whether it's an email sent to us, a Facebook comment, or a Tweet, we love hearing from you guys. We love reading your stories, your comments, your concerns, etc. While we may not be able to respond to every single one, we do try very hard to get back to all you guys.
So if you've got a high score on Word Warp, send it in to Marketing@MobilityWare.com! And if think you've got the best Word Warp Xtreme score, make sure it's on OpenFeint and you can really see if you're the most Xtreme!
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