It's scary to think that if somebody can think up an idea, then there's somebody else out there who has the resources to make it happen.
This past week, I stumbled upon a couple things that I found especially intriguing and to tell you the truth, a little frightening.
First, you remember that feeling when you felt the touch screen on the iPhone/iPod Touch for the first time? Personally, I remember that moment vividly, I recall being amazed by how smooth it was, and I was probably stuck in a daze for at least a couple minutes.
That was years ago. Now people are already talking about putting touch screens on other places. Where could we put touch screens? Why none other than your forearm! Scary right?
Apparently, there is a system called Skinput, which "beams a keyboard or menu onto the user's forearm and hand from a projector housed in an armband. An acoustic detector, also in the armband, then calculates which part of the display you want to activate." In other words, Skinput knows which part of your arm you touched, because it recognizes the sound that's made on either the skin or muscle of your forearm!
Sound intense? Well Skinput goes even further, suggesting the system could use wireless technology, like Bluetooth, to send signals to many types of devices, like phones, iPods, gaming systems and computers! Can you imagine this?
Next, we all have our experiences shopping for groceries. Whether it's enjoyable because you're able to think up combinations for food in your head or an utter chore because you never go into there with a list or game plan (I tend to fall in the latter), this product is sure to enhance your experience.
I.B.M. have been testing a product called Presence.
Presence will send mobile coupons to people who sign up and will detect them as soon as they set foot in a store. As soon as you stroll into the bread aisle, Presence will know. The system will be able to track your spending habits and time spent browsing in certain departments to help determine what kind of spender you are. Scary? I certainly think so (I may have to minimize my time in various departments…).
Based on its determination on what kind of person you are, Presence can make recommendations on products it thinks you will like. So if you are buying hot dogs, Presence may suggest that you pick up some ketchup and relish as well.
Wow, I wonder how that's going to fly. How do you think people are going to react? Sure the idea is very innovative and interesting, but are people really going to be willing to allow themselves to be tracked electronically?
Sure, being recommended things I probably wouldn’t think of, is cool, but could you imagine the pitfalls if there was a glitch in the system? Say you buy 3 cakes for a friend's birthday party and all of a sudden Presence thinks you're the next Professor Klump! Sure these are an exaggeration, but just the idea of how advanced technology has now become certainly has me bewildered.
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